Company Release – 2.2.2023

Duell has completed the change negotiations

Duell Corporation announced that it will start change negotiations in Finnish companies in accordance with the Cooperation Act on October 4, 2022, regarding the need to reduce the workforce on production, financial and operational reorganisation grounds. The change negotiations and related measures have been completed in Duell’s Finnish companies on January 31, 2023, as a result of which the reduction of personnel in the Finnish companies is a total of 13 employees. In addition to the change negotiations in the Finnish companies, Duell has realised personnel reductions in other country organisations summing to 10 employees. The personnel reduction realised in the entire Duell Group is a total of 23 people. The cost saving at the Group level for the 2023 fiscal year is approximately EUR 700,000 and for 2024 EUR 1.3 million.